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File: blapu-moon.jpg (140 KB, 512x512)
Blapu is going to the moon! Get in now or stay poor! WAGMI!
File: blapu-lambo.jpg (218 KB, 512x512)
I'm buying a lambo with my Blapu gains!
What's a Blapu? Is it a shitcoin or something?
- 1,000,000 BLAPU total supply.
- No new tokens can EVER be created. Algorand Standard Asset, immutable.
- Fair launch, 3+ hacks, no presale, no team tokens.
1 MILLION SUPPLY? That's fucking garbage. My grandma has a bigger supply of Werther's Originals. This shitcoin is going to ZERO.
>low supply is bad
NGMI. You clearly don't understand scarcity, anon. 1 million is NOTHING. When this gets listed on Binance, it'll pump to $1000 easy. Do the math, retard.
File: soyjak.jpg (512 KB, 1024x1024)
Where buy? Give me the deets. Is there a website?
There is no official site, just some community hosted shit. All you need is the Vestige swap widget. Just connect your wallet and BLAP IN!
You forgot the swap, Greg. Looks like Bunsan broke the widget with v4 beta, you will need this https://vestige.fi/asset/401752010 to buy...
File: roadmap.png (218 KB, 512x512)
What's the roadmap? Probably some bullshit like "community building" and "marketing." This thing's dead before it starts.
Roadmap is simple, retard:
Phase 1: Meme
Phase 2: Vibe and HODL
Phase 3: Meme Takeover
Okay, I'm a noob. How do I even buy this? Is it on Coinbase? lol
Oi, you Monko missed faggots, Coop cope-lords, and Akita bagholders! Listen up, you aren't just NGMI, you're NEVER gonna make it.

Bet you’re still seething about missing Pepe., huh? Sucks to suck. Shoulda aped in, shouldn't you? Now you're stuck holding bags of Coop and Akita, praying to some dog-coin god. You look like a bunch of goddamn clowns.
Newsflash for you absolute brainlets: You chase shitcoins and get rekt. It's the natural order of things. You fomo into garbage and cry when it dumps. Rinse and repeat. Are you actually this retarded?
But FINE. Maybe, MAYBE, there's a coin dumb enough for even YOU to make money on. It's called BLAPU. Yeah, BLAPU. B-L-A-P-U. It's on Algorand, because even a fucking retard knows ETH and Solana are gas-guzzling trashfires for whales and bots. Algorand. Remember? The chain that doesn't implode every other week? The one with fees so low your grandma could afford to trade it? Yeah, that one. We're on that chain now. Now, listen close, you drooling apes. I'm gonna spell out how to buy BLAPU like you're five years old. If you still fuck this up, just kys, seriously.

BLAPU - Ape-Brain Buying Guide for Degenerate Retards
>Step 1: Get a Pera Algo Wallet (Duh)
https://perawallet.app/ Go to your phone's app store, and try to act like you know how to read and write. Search "Pera Wallet". Download that shit. Not Metamask, you ETH-poisoned morons. Pera. P-E-R-A. Get it right, for once.

>Step 2: Fund it with ALGO (No Shit Sherlock)
Buy some ALGO. Coinbase, Binance, Kraken – whatever boomer exchange your wagecuck job lets you use. Send ALGO to your Pera Wallet address. Copy paste the address carefully, you hear me? One wrong click and your money is GONE. Don't come crying to me when you fuck this up.

>Step 3: DEX Time - Vestige or Pact.fi (Pick One, Retard)
Vestige or Pact. Decentralized Exchanges. Aggregators & DEXs. It's where the real degens trade. Vestige is probably less confusing for your smooth brains. Pick Pact if you are extra retarded.

>Step 4: Connect Wallet (Click the Shiny Button)
https://vestige.fi/asset/401752010 See a button that says "Connect Wallet"? Yeah, the big obvious one. Click it. Choose Pera Wallet. If you can't even connect a wallet, crypto ain't for you. Go back to your 9-5 and wage away.

>Step 5: SWAP ALGO for BLAPU (The Easy Part, Hopefully)
Find the "Swap" section. Top coin: ALGO. Bottom coin: BLAPU. Now listen up, PAY ATTENTION: BLAPU ASA ID: 401752010. TYPE. IT. IN. Don't buy some fake shitcoin because you're a lazy fuck. 401752010. Got it memorized, dumbass?

>Step 6: Confirm the Swap (Don't be a Paper Hand Bitch)
It'll show you the price. Don't whine about slippage, you're buying a memecoin, not fucking Bitcoin. Click “Swap,” “Confirm,” mash whatever buttons pop up. Approve it on your Pera Wallet. Don't be scared of buttons, for fuck's sake.

>Step 7: Congrats, You're a Blapu Holder (Now Pray)
Boom. You now hold BLAPU. Welcome to the Blapu Gang, you magnificent bastard. Now, go shill this shit, tell your friends (if you have any), and maybe, just maybe, we'll all make it. Or we won't. Who the fuck knows, it's crypto.

SERIOUSLY, NO MORE DUMB QUESTIONS. I spoonfed you like infants. If you can't buy BLAPU after this guide, you're beyond help. Go back to buying Coop and Akita and crying about your losses. I'm done with you retards.
/thread. Don't @ me with more questions. Figure it out or stay poor. Now go BLAP yourselves. And for the love of god, stop buying those other garbage dog coins. You're embarrassing yourselves.

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